Healthy Easter Egg Ideas

Healthy Easter Egg Ideas

1 Serving: 91 Calories | 5.1g Fat | 9.5g Carbs | 2.7g Protein

  • 1 cup oat flour (I blend my own by putting rolled oats in a food processor or high speed blender)
  • 3 tablespoons nut or seed butter
  • 3 tablespoons honey OR pure maple syrup
  • 1-2 tablespoons milk of choice
  • 2 tablespoons almond flour OR protein powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 5 squares lindt 70% (OR 50-60g any chocolate of choice)


  • -Add 1/2 tsp sea salt


  • -Use Peanut butter
  • – Instead of almond flour/protein powder (pulse some peanuts in a high speed blender and add 2 tbsp blended peanuts)


  • -Use desiccated coconut or coconut flour instead of almond flour/protein powder


  • -Use tahini instead of nut butter


  • -Add 1/4 cup additional chocolate chips to batter


  • -Add 1/2 tsp chilli flakes
  1. Place all ingredients EXCEPT for chocolate in a bowl and combine well until a dough forms. When adding milk, add 1 tbsp first and mix well and see if a second table spoon is needed. Mixture should form a firm dough, so take care not to add too much milk
  2. If making cookie dough one, stir in additional chocolate chips
  3. Divide and roll dough into egg like shapes with your hands and place on a lined tray.
  4. In a double boiler or microwave melt chocolate, and set aside. Dip the egg shaped dough and coat it well in the chocolate scooping it out with a fork
  5. Place in fridge and enjoy!!


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