Does Weight Loss Feel Like Punishment?

Sweet Tooth Boss
Sweet Tooth Boss
Does Weight Loss Feel Like Punishment?

Many of us view having to lose weight as being restrictive and like we have to constantly punish ourselves into being disciplined. We feel like there is something innately wrong with us. Why can others stop at full? Why can’t we just be a like a ‘normal’ person who doesn’t feel like they have to think about food all the time?

The way we speak to ourselves determines whether we will continue our dysfunctional behavior of restricting and overeating or finally end the struggle. If you find it challenging to stop when you are full or struggle with overeating on certain foods like sugar or desserts, chances are you are telling yourself the exact wrong things that sustain a troubled relationship with food and body image.

I always know that my clients are making progress when they tell me that they can hear my voice in their heads when they are comfortably full, or when they have the urge to emotionally eat, or when they want to pick themselves and their bodies apart. This is how I know that they are improving their self talk, and beginning to steer themselves back to their own inner compass and truly fulfil the needs that they have been relying on food to do for them.

My goal is to give each and everyone of my clients and to those of you listening new beliefs and ways of speaking to yourself, that will no longer shame you into giving up. But instead propel you forward and be your own personal guide and mentor. I will be here doing it until it becomes your default voice inside your head and is unshakable.

Because what I have learnt is that You cant hate yourself into the body you want, you have to deeply love yourself and listen to yourself to get there.

-Not being able to stop is not caused from lack of discipline, but rather from what we tell ourselves about ourself and food
-Learning to identify self sabotaging and punishing behaviours
-No longer feeling like weight loss has to be a punishment
-A powerful exercise to learn inner words and self talk to begin the end of your body and weight loss struggles

Learn more about the 30lbs down sweet tooth boss program and sign up for a 1 hour free consultation.

Follow Wholesome_lee on social: Instagram & TikTok


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