Healthy Gingerbread Men

Healthy Gingerbread Men

Dipped in dark chocolate and sea salt, this is just perfect for the festive season.

One of my best childhood memories, is when my uncle would buy me a gingerbread man when visiting. Here is a healthy twist on a classic!

  • 1.5 cups oat flour (i make my own by blending oats in a high speed blender until it forms a flour like consistency)
  • 1.5 cup spelt flour
  • 1/2 cup molasses OR honey
  • 1/4 cup coconut sugar OR granulated sugar of choice
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup nut butter of choice (i used almond)
  • 1/4 cup oil of choice (i used avocado)
  • 2 tbsp milk (IF needed)
  • 2 tsp ginger powder
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp nutmeg
  • pinch salt
  • optional:1/2 tsp cloves
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • OPTIONAL TOPPING: 1 slab dark chocolate
  1. In a bowl, beat the nut butter, oil and coconut sugar together. Add the egg and molasses and beat well. Add in the flour, spices, baking soda and mix well. If the batter looks too dry, you may add 1-2 tbsp milk if needed.
  2. Cover and allow to chill for 15-30 mins.
  3. Divide the dough into small batches, and roll out on a floured surface. Roll out dough to desire thickness and using a cookie cutter cut out mini gingerbread men. I prefer thin gingerbread men so like to keep it thin.
  4. Line a cookie baking tray with baking paper and bake cookies for roughly 8-10 mins depending on thickness.
  5. Set aside and allow to cool. The cookies should harden.
  6. In the mean time melt dark chocolate in a double boiler, take cookies and dip them. You can even sprinkle additional toppings on top – if desired.
  7. Store in an airtight container to preserve freshness.


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