60 Second Single Serving Oatmeal Cookie

Stop whatever you’re doing and go make this single serving healthy oatmeal cookie recipe!

Something that I am totally obsessed with is a good choc chip cookie! It has to be one of my favourite all time best sweet treats. There is just something so comforting and warming about an oatmeal cookie that gets me every single time! This recipe is perfect for if you want a healthy oatmeal cookie NOW, I mean like RIGHT NOW and don’t want to get carried away with making a commitment with an entire batch.  

Single Serving Oatmeal Cookie

 The inspiration for this recipe all started one afternoon when I just had a craving for a delicious cookie. I was far too lazy to commit to a whole batch ( and didn’t trust my self restraint either). I wanted a cookie that would be ready in a maximum of 5 minutes ( prep and bake time), so I got my creative baking hat on and started to experiment. This was the perfect single serving healthy dessert that turned out to be just what my sweet-tooth ordered


Single serving oatmeal dark chocolate cookie

Healthy Oatmeal Cookie

Lately, I have also been loving making this cookie as a delicious breakfast recipe! Because it is made with oatmeal, it is a high fiber option for anyone looking for a breakfast cookie type recipe! I have always been a sweet tooth breakfast girl, and this recipe honestly just hits the spot in so many different ways! As I have said before, Mik doesn’t like eating oatmeal as is- but he will happily enjoy these cookies!

If you’re looking for a recipe that makes more than one serving, try out my healthy cookie cereal, ultimate chic-chip cookies, or cookie dough oatmeal. 


Breaking open a single serving oatmeal cookie

Easy Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

So, I have this one friend. We have been friends for years now, but bless her soul she hates baking. Every time she sets foot in the kitchen, she ends up giving up and heading to the shops to buy a store bought version of the treat she was craving. This recipe is so full proof, that I managed to convince her to give it a try! At first she was a little intimidated (based n her past experience) but when she saw how easy the steps were, she simply couldn’t not give it a try! She honestly couldn’t believe that she had done it. She texted me saying she hardly made any mess in her kitchen, and somehow was able to make this perfectly delicious and soft healthy oatmeal cookie in under 5 minutes. 

Now let me tell you, if she can do it we all can ( if you’re reading this Sarah, know that I still love you!). Would highly recommend if you’re looking for a no mess, drop dead easy cookie recipe that gives you an intense cookie orgasm.

Microwave cookie

This recipe has two options. You can make it in the microwave, or in an oven. Both yield a delicious result. The microwave may be more convenient ( its quicker). Both work equally as well and the only main difference is the time!

Milk and white chocolate chip single serving oatmeal cookie

Recipe for single serving oatmeal cookie 


Oat Flour: I make my own by blending oats in a high speed blender

Oil of choice: I love avocado oil, but any oil works

Granulated sweetener of choice: I used a calorie free monk fruit sweetener, but any granulated sugar could work.

Chocolate chips: Essential for any cookie

Milk of choice: I used almond, but any milk should work



 Mix all ingredients in a bowl


Mix all ingredients for oatmeal cookie in a bowl


Pour on a lined microwave proof/oven proof plate (with baking paper).

Shaping single serving oatmeal cookie


Bake in oven or cook in microwave

Single serving oatmeal dark chocolate cookie

6 Oatmeal Cookie Varieties

 Incase you want to change it up

Dark chocolate: use dark chocolate chips as your chocolate of choice

Milk chocolate: Use milk chocolate chips as your chocolate of choice

White chocolate: Use white chocolate as your chocolate of choice

White choc coconut : Use white chocolate as chocolate chips, and top with a sprinkle of coconut 

Nutella: Add some crushed hazelnuts 

Double trouble: Use a mix of white and milk chocolate chips 

60 second oatmeal cookie

60 Second Single Serving Oatmeal Cookie

The best healthy oatmeal cookie in under 60 seconds! This is perfect for if you're looking for a single serving dessert, and don't want to have to do much prep before hand! Perfect for any oatmeal cookie lover

  • 3 tbsp oat flour
  • 1 tsp oil of choice
  • 1 tbsp granulated sweetener of choice
  • 1 tsp chocolate chips of choice
  • 1-2 tbsp milk of choice (I used almond )

For the microwave:

  1. Mix all ingredients above in a bowl

  2. Place dough onto a micowave safe plate and shape in cookie shape. You may want to line the plate with parchment paper

  3. Microwave cookie for 60 seconds

  4. Enjoy immediately

For the oven:

  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celisus

  2. Place dough onto a oven proof plate and shape in cookie shape. You may want to line the plate with parchment paper

  3. Bake for 5-8 minutes until golden brown

  4. Enjoy immediately or store in an airtight container


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